Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sailing day!

For my birthday this year, Mom, Dad, and Toby gave me a voucher for a sailing lesson. This weekend was the long-awaited sailing day, and it ended up being perfect for it!

The voucher was for two people, and motion-sick T was very enthusiastic about me finding someone besides himself to take with me. So I recruited Esther to come along and we had a ton of fun together!
First we met in the city for breakfast.

And then we caught a bus out to the Spit Bridge, past where Toby and I live on the way toward Manly. We got there early enough that we could check out the marinas and such.

These kids were our for a sailing lesson in tiny little boats. How cute are they?!

This was the boat we went out on:

The weather was warm and sunny for most of our day. The wind was strong at first, so the boat was tilting over pretty far at the beginning, which was a pretty exciting way to get started!

We all got turns at steering and at doing all the rope work. We did lots of turns so there was lots to do and not a lot of sitting and relaxing - it was a true lesson!

I did OK at it, but I didn't really absorb all the terminology or always completely understand why we were doing certain things. But by the end I could prepare for jibing and tacking with moderate competency.

I have some more pictures from the actual sail that I took on a disposable camera. I'll post those when I find out how you can actually get them developed these days!

All in all, I had a fantastic time. I don't think sailing is something I want to take up as a hobby (too intense) but I will be happy to go with anyone who wants to take me!


  1. My middle daughter Alexis is now a certified sailor! She loves it! She lives in Ithaca NY and learned to sail on Cayuga Lake.

    1. That is so cool! I really admire people who sail after having done it - it takes a lot of hard work and smarts.
