Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's Vivid time!

One of my all-time favorite Sydney events is back! I just loved Vivid Sydney last year, and this year is shaping up to be just as good!

I went the very first night with a couple people from work, and it was a perfect night! It's still pleasantly warm here (this month is on track to set a record for the warmest May), so it was great walking around weather. (Just to put into perspective how warm it is, we saw plenty of people walking around in sundresses, even though I thought that was a bit much. Last year at Vivid, I wore a pea coat.) But you won't get any complaints from me!

We headed down to the "main" area, which is The Rocks and Circular Quay, even though there are displays all around the city this year. We managed to get there right as the sails on the Opera House were lit up!

One of the things I love the most about Vivid is how many interactive light features there are. There are very few exhibits that you can't walk right up and touch, and most of them react to interaction somehow. So kids love it, but it's pretty fun for grown ups too! There were a couple standouts for me this year. One was the big bunnies out on the point by the bridge!

Another was a cool "graffiti maker" - you put your face in front of a digital camera and then the lights "painted" your face graffiti-style on the wall. Super cool!

There were other really cool small exhibits scattered throughout the area too.

And of course the buildings looked awesome too!

This was Cadman's Cottage - the whole building looked like a forest scene. Occasionally the "wind" would blow and leaves would look like they were falling from the trees. The kids went crazy trying to catch them!

This was Cadman's Cottage - the whole building looked like a forest scene. Occasionally the "wind" would blow and leaves would look like they were falling from the trees. The kids went crazy trying to catch them!

It was a fabulous first night of Vivid. I'm planning on many more to come over the next couple of weeks! =D

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