Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tasmania: Freycinet Peninsula

We left Bicheno bright and early on a sunny Monday morning and headed down the coast. Our plan was to do some hiking at Wineglass Bay as long as the weather held out, and it did!
The drive over only took about 45 minutes, so it was still nice and early when we got to the park. A little wallaby was in the parking area to greet us. You could tell he gets fed by the tourists quite a lot because he wasn't shy at all!

Wineglass Bay

We headed up the mountain to the Wineglass Bay overlook. The trail took us through giant pink feldspar boulders, which Freycinet is known for, and the whole climb was scenic.

Then we made it to the Wineglass Bay overlook. And it was lovely.

I tried to take a picture of Holly here, but she did her classic pose of closing her eyes in the pic. No worries, though, I fixed it.

The result of mad photo editing skilz
We were feeling pretty good at this point, so we decided to continue the hike down to the beach. After all, hiking downhill is easy!

The hike down the mountain was a little more varied: some rocks but also some bush.

The views at the beach were worth the hike we'd have to take back up.

It got cold down there pretty fast once we stopped walking and the stiff breeze coming in from the ocean was hitting us. So we poked around for less than an hour, sat for a while taking in the views, and then had a power snack.

Sadly, it was then time to climb the mountain back out. It was steep and rocky, but it went pretty quickly!

Honeymoon Bay

Before we left the park, we made a quick stop at Honeymoon Bay. It was lovely and peaceful (we were the only people there), and had more red lichen like Bicheno.

I didn't have to photoshop these sunglasses
Then it was time to hit the road and head down south to Hobart!

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