Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Holly meets Aussie animals at Featherdale

Friday was our day to go out to Featherdale Wildlife Park and see all the Australian animals it had to offer. On my first trip to Featherdale, I was seeing all of these animals for the very first time. When Holly went to Featherdale, she'd already seen kangaroos, koalas, cockatoos, lorikeets, wallabies, and penguins, most of them in the wild. So it was a slightly different experience for her, but she liked it all the same!

Toby volunteered to take pictures during the day. He did a good job. =)

Our first stop in Featherdale was seeing the kangaroos and wallabies. And feeding them!

We were also just in time for a reptile photo-op. Toby got to hold this cool guy!

We later realized this is the only picture of the three of us from Holly's entire trip
Our other animal interaction was with the cutie koalas!

After getting up close with all these animals, we checked out the rest of the animal exhibits. These guys were just chillalxing in the sun.

And this one clearly had eaten too much and just fallen straight asleep in his food.

We learned that Holly is smaller than many Australian animals. But we knew this already.

We all had different favorite parts of Featherdale that day. Holly really liked the wombats. They are so cute when they waddle around; we watched different ones for a long time!

I liked the penguins. Of course, we'd seen them in the wild a few days before, but I loved seeing them again!

And Toby really liked holding the lizard, but the dingoes probably came in at the top of his list. There were a couple dingo pups out, sleeping in the sun.

We all loved seeing all the animals. Holly made the observation that many Australian animals looked like large rodents, which, I have to admit, is kind of right.

A quick walk through the gift shop, then we headed back to the city!