Monday, August 5, 2013

Afternoons & nights in Melbourne

With a title like this, this blog post should be more exciting. But the second halves of our days in Melbourne weren't too eventful - they usually revolved around a nap for cold-stricken Holly. =) We did get out a little bit though.

On Tuesday night, we headed out for dinner. We didn't feel like going too far, but I managed to find a sushi and noodle place that was still open nearby. Well, it was kind of open. They told us "sushi finished!!" but they did sell us "very special" sushi for $10. It was clearly the last seaweed rolls of the day, but I went for it and they cooked Holly some noodles. It wasn't very confidence-inspiring, but it turned out to be really good!

All that was left after we bought the "special sushi;" they tried to give it to us when we left.
During Holly's nap on Wednesday, I went out walking. High on my list of things to explore in Melbourne were the laneways near Flinders Street Station. It would have been more fun with Holly and I was pretty sad she wasn't with me, but I was happy to have a quick ramble so I could mark those off my list!

There were tons of cute cafes tucked into alleys

This amazing little shop, Laurent Patisserie, had a cake called "Christine."

I also strolled through the Block Arcade, which was a beautiful building with some great shops.

Including this bakery that looked too over the top to be real. Not surprisingly, there was a line out the door.

Too bad I don't have a bottomless stomach and could have tried something at every place I saw!

We closed out our Wednesday evening with a walk up to the Greek precinct for dinner. Overall, the Greek precinct was a little bit of a let-down, since it seemed to be just one side of a city block with 3 Greek restaurants and a Greek bakery.
Both our appetites were a little off, so we voted to just eat a slice of spanakopita at the Greek bakery, rather than a full meal at one of the restaurants. The bakery looked pretty impressive, with rows and rows of cakes and pastries. However, there were no Greeks to be seen eating or working there - just some Chinese girls behind the counter. Our spanakopita was just alright and the two desserts we tried (semolina cake and kantaifi) were pretty good but not amazing.

Lesson learned: for the best experience, eat where the plump Greeks are eating!


  1. Those pastries in the first photo are amazing....i bet that Christine cake was pretty delicious. How could it not be covered in chocolate! This post reminds me of that Nutella cheesecake you made for me last year and the spinach pie which was so very yummie, maybe more so than the spanakopita. Glad to hear you all are having a great time:)

    1. Mmm... I'd forgotten about that spinach pie! Now I want to make another one! And maybe I can make a cake and call it a Christine cake, too. =)

