Thursday, February 7, 2013

I scream, you scream

My very most favorite food group is ice cream.

So would you believe that I haven't bought any ice cream (besides one cone of gelato) since arriving here in September???

Here's why:

Yes, that is $11.95 for a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

So when I made an apple pie this week, we went for the cheap stuff at $8. (2 liters is a little over half a gallon, I believe.)

And that will probably be the last ice cream we get for a while! =)


  1. That is insane. Is it dairy that's so expensive, or is it that some of it is imported??? I think you need an ice cream machine. Or you could do this:!

    1. LOL, I guess it's because it's either imported or some of the ingredients are?

      And thanks for the handy links! Now to obtain a blender or food processor....

  2. I am so sorry you're on an ice cream fast. I've been on a nightly chocolate ice cream kick...i blame the baby. Tonight when i enjoy my 1.5 scoops served in an espresso cup, i will think of you and smile. There was to be something in Australia that is a better deal than here. What do banana's cost? Also Sam and i both want to know who Toby was talking to on the phone.

    1. That baby Jesus Barack has good taste - we are buddies already!

      And I am ashamed to say, but I have no idea how much bananas cost. Everything is in kilograms, so we just get what veggies we need and hope for the best at checkout. It's like a surprise every time! Someday I should learn it. =)

      And Toby was talking to his mom. What a good son!
