Saturday, February 2, 2013

Back to school!

Kids just headed back to school this week after their summer break. And it made me realize that I should write down the little bit I know about schools here.

Public schools all have uniforms. And not khakis with polos. Really nice uniforms.

A lot of school kids get off the train in the morning when I board. So I see all those uniforms all the time. T told me it was a bad idea to sneak pictures of the kids in their uniforms, but it seems to have gone OK.

Aren't all these uniforms cute? I'm a big fan. Of course the kids still act like normal middle-schoolers, but they look nice and tidy.

The other interesting thing I know about schools here is that non-residents have to pay to send their kids to public schools. It's something like $5,000 for the year - plus the cost of uniforms. It's not cheap to get your kids smart and looking nice, at least not for expats!


  1. Not sure about in Oz, but I do think it's illegal here (or at least of questionable legality) if you post pictures of someone under 18 without a parent's permission. I doubt it will ever be an issue on your blog, but it might not be a bad idea to blur their faces just in case!

  2. I went to the school of the kid wearing the blue blazer in the second photo. As you pointed out kids will be kids, regardless of how nice their uniform is - I certainly never acted like I dressed at school :P


    P.S. Cool to see you have a blog! I can now live vicariously through you while I get homesick about Australia, and it might tempt me to start my own blog too :)

    1. Kelvin! What are you doing on my blog!? I'm happy you found me though.

      I'm sure you behaved very gentlemanly in your uniform. =)

      Sydney is a sadder place without you!
