Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy new year!

Sydney kicked off its Chinese New Year celebrations this Friday. There are tons of celebrations going on in the city for the next couple of weeks: parades, fireworks, performances, markets, and heaps of food!
We've never been around Chinese New Year festivities of this magnitude, so we're going to take in as much as we can. (Toby is, of course, excited about this!)

On Friday, though, T had to miss one of the activities: the QVB was decorated for Chinese New Year and a dragon dance snaked its way through the floors to the Chinese restaurant at the top. Since this happened at mid-day, I walked down at my lunchtime to watch.

The building looked really beautiful, with huge dragon banners hanging from the ceiling and Chinese lanterns hanging on each floor.

It looks like I am taking a picture of that guy, but I don't know him. Now I feel awkward.
Then the dragon dance started. You knew it because you could hear the drums and cymbals long before you could see the procession.

It was pretty impressive because they actually danced up the escalators.

One of my favorite moments was when the dance went by this guy getting his lunch. He wasn't phased at all - didn't even turn around! And it was REALLY LOUD!

Sir, there is a dragon behind you!
 The dance wound its way around the building, and then finally by me before ending at the Chinese restaurant.

After work, T met me at the office for a quick beer while I finished up, and then we headed down to Belmont Park for the official launch of the Chinese New Year festival.
The trees in the park were strung with Chinese lanterns, which made the park look extra festive!

There were rows and rows of vendors selling food and strange Asian things.

And lots of cool artwork for the festival.

We ended up not eating at the festival, since the food was geared much more toward meat-on-a-stick than vegetarian options. But we stopped at a pie shop later and got Toby's favorite food, so it worked out for the best!

When your food smiles, you know you will too!
It was a fun Friday night, and I'm excited about more Chinese New Year festivities to come!

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