Saturday, July 9, 2016

Melbs! (Part One)

Well my blog is horribly behind. Mostly because I went to San Francisco for work on short notice. But, before I was away for three weeks, we went to Melbourne for the Queens Birthday long weekend. Yay!  

I went to Melbourne early on with Holly, but Toby has never been. So he was excited to check it out. We learned early on here that there is a serious rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney people think it's the best because we have beaches and warmer weather, and Melbourne people think it's the best because they have more "culture." After our visit, T and I might have come down on either side of the argument!

We headed down to Melbs, as the cool Aussies say, on Friday after work. Our hotel was right next to the famous Flinders Street station, which was a lovely welcome to the city all lit up at night. 

The next morning, we headed out to ramble the laneways and fine some breakky. The cool laneways are other reason that Melbournites think that it's better than Sydney, and to be fair, they are pretty fun.  

After breakfast, we were ready to check out the city!

The famous side of Flinders Street Station
Feeling happy to be on an adventure 

There's a free tram that goes around the city, so it's a perfect way to see the areas of the city before you walk around. So that's what we decided to do. 

Added bonus, the free trams are historic, so they are really cute and fun to ride in.

It was a bit rainy by the time we finished circling the city in our free tram. So we decided to do some walking through some of the shopping areas to stay under cover.

After not too long, we got lucky with the weather and it cleared up. Back out to the laneways and to do some walking in the city!


More pics of our fun adventures in the next one, but to sum up, we had a really great time exploring the city. It's easy to walk, and the city has a unique mix of old buildings and modern art. The weather stayed great and we had a full two days of fun exploring!


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