Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sunday hiking

Last weekend we had a beautiful Saturday! We had planned to meet up with a friend from work to hike to Manly if the weather stayed nice, so we were on!

Starting out, we walk by all the lovely homes tucked into the hills of the North Shore. 

Here we are starting out. Our friend has a little one, and she got to ride almost the whole way. Even though she wasn't hiking along with us, she did talk and sing to us for the entire four hours, minus a small nap in the middle. It made for an entertaining, if not a quiet walk!

I kept an eye out on the boats camped out along the shore. I've decided that when we make our fortunes here that I will look really good in one of these little boats. AND that way I can hang out on the water all weekend while T can do his inside things, but just on the water with me. Seems perfect! =)

Lots of beautiful blue water, even this far back in the harbor...

A prime cove for camping out once I get my boat.

I found my boat! It's the little white one with the wood panels. I think it will suit us very well and we'll look very cute in there. 

Aside from boats, there's always lots of beautiful wildlife to enjoy on the walk...

It was getting a bit windy once we got close to Manly. The waves were picking up, so no one was in the oceanside baths at Fairlight. 

And then we were in Manly! A welcome sight for us, because we also grabbed some lunch with our friends before we caught the ferry back to our side of the harbor.

Always a lovely walk to do!

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