Saturday, April 30, 2016

A night at the pie shop

So Australians LOVE pie. And by pie, I mean a typical English-type pie, that's about the size of your hand and usually with meat and gravy type filling. They are considered a portable food, so just like we have Subways or Chick-Fil-A as common fast food restaurants, Australia also has pie shops for grabbing a pie for lunch and dinner. 

One of the iconic Sydney pie shops is called Harry's Cafe de Wheels. It's technically a caravan that's been converted to a pie cafe, but now it's permanently located near our new apartment in Woollomooloo. It's been around for a long time - it started parking near the Finger Wharf in the 1930s when there was a lot of activity in the naval yards, and it's been in business there ever since. 

Lots of famous or famous-ish people have stopped by the pie shop over the years. All the momentous occasions are documented in pictures and hung up on the outside of the caravan. 

We even found a picture of Colonel Sanders!

Lucky for us (or for T, really, since I don't care for pie), Harry's serves a vegetarian version of their pie. So we decided we'd be real Aussies for a night and grab pies for dinner after work. 

Most pie shops give you the option to have your pie with mushy peas and gravy. I am also not a huge fan of the "mushy pea" concoction, since I think it's about as appetizing as it sounds. T has embraced the mushy pea notion, though, so he got his pie properly covered. 

We got our pies for takeaway, and ate them on the wharf. 

After dinner, we took a walk out to the end of Finger Wharf, just to enjoy the sunset. 

We passed this guy on a bike, with his dog on a leash. Hard to tell who was walking who!

Happily filled up on pie, T decided to take a fun picture with me. I voted no for him growing a mustache. 


  1. I had mushy peas in England and liked them. My Kroger carries them canned, I've been meaning to buy some. Yum!

    1. Canned, eh? That's good to know for whenever we head back! I will need to brush up on the pastry making skills to properly make pies though...
