Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Comic Con

For T's bday, I gave him tickets to Sydney Comic Con. And because I love him, I also said I would go with him. Comic Con is clearly not my kind of thing, but I was interested to check it out and see what the fuss was all about.

The first part of Comic Con is getting ready.

And then of course you head out to the Comic Con ferry shuttle in full regalia. 

You might feel a little odd taking public transport dressed in costume, but as soon as you get close to the shuttle area, you see that literally hundreds of other people have been doing the same!

There were SO many people dressed up, that the ferry operator was naming off all the characters as they boarded. When he got to me, he seemed pretty disappointed and said "just a normal person." Ha!

So after riding a ferry full of costumed people, you arrive at the exhibition center where there are thousands of people in costume. 

Some of the costumes you might understand. And some of them you might not. 

I learned that it's pretty common practice to ask people whose costumes you really appreciate for a picture. So as we were walking around, people would be posing together for pictures with other con-goers. I have to say it was pretty cute to see tiny little kid Batmans posing together with other grownup Batmans and such. 

T's costume was pretty popular! He even got pulled aside for an interview with a film crew. 

You might be wondering what you do at the event besides looking at costumed people. There are TONS of booths with things to buy. Games, action figures, toys, and really more things than my brain could process. I got turned around and lost with all the booths that had so much similar stuff and things that I never even dreamed existed. 

Besides all the shopping, there were plenty of game demo booths and the panels of speakers going on all day. We sat in on one panel which was a Q&A with some actors from a scifi show. 

I have to admit that it was a little bit overwhelming to me. There were so many things to process, a lot of which I didn't know what it was. I think it must be like going to a greenhouse with a horticulturist who understands and appreciates all the minute differences in the plants. 

I did throw T a bone and posed for a picture. 

I lasted for a few hours but then I was pretty worn out. T and I went home where I crashed out for a nap. He went back the next day solo and properly enjoyed Round 2!

1 comment:

  1. If you don't recognize the guitar dude, clearly you haven't seen the new Mad Max ;)
