Sunday, September 6, 2015

Spring fever at Coogee Beach

Last weekend it was a BEAUTIFUL Saturday! And it was warm - 27 degrees! Even though Sydney winters are nothing to complain about, the lovely weather got me so excited for springtime. I decided we should take a little journey out to Coogee beach and spend the day seaside. 

Heading to the beach!
Coogee Beach is out towards Bondi, so when we go there, it's usually as part of the beach walk. But it's a really cute beach with a lovely park nearby and a lots of little cafes, so I was excited to spend some time there. 

We got off the bus at the hill at the top of the beach. We just happened to get off at a stop that was at the entrance to a little nature walk down to the park near the beach. 

Starting on our nature walk

These trees are all in bloom with red flowers. The rainbow lorikeets were going nuts for the flowers. There were tons of them in the trees, all just talking to each other, happy as can be. 

Our impromptu bush walk took us down the hill and out through the park near the beach. It was a very Australian scene: lots of people having barbies (cookouts!) and a surf club meetup - also having a barbie and drinking beer. These people know how to enjoy a sunny day. 

We walked down along the beach and then climbed the hill to the south of the beach and found a spot to let the warm winter sun beat on our backs. We watched the surfers, read books, and maybe even napped for a little minute. 

After a while, we headed over to the little beach cafes in Coogee. This is a pretty common sight on a Sydney weekend: people packed into cafes with their family and friends for a coffee and their weekend breakky. And you can tell by all the people wearing shorts that it was a pretty good day for a coffee outside!

Even though the next day was back to being in the upper teens, the sunny beach day gave me a much needed boost and shot of Vitamin D. Bring it on, springtime!

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