Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bondi kite festival

This Sunday was Festival of the Winds, a kite festival at Bondi. I had tried to go check this out last year, but it was soooo crowded at the bus station so I gave up. This year, I decided I'd catch a bus from the city so I wouldn't have to deal with the Bondi bus. So T and I headed out on Sunday morning and started our day with a walk across the bridge.

We walked across to Circular Quay and took the cool glass lift down to the ground level.

Then we headed over to the bus stop. I took a picture of this funny ad. These are all over the city and they crack me up every time. We learned early on that "budgie smuggler" is the Aussie term for speedos. It's a true sign that summer is here!

Our bus ride from the city rather than Bondi was a good call. This was the line of people waiting for a bus at Bondi.

Down at Bondi Beach was better! We grabbed a spot in the grass and watched some kite flying.

The kite festival was just kicking off while we were there, but it was very fun! There were people with big, serious kites, but mostly it was families out with small, plastic kites just out for fun.

We stayed for a while, just watching the kites, the surfers, and the families hanging out. It was a lovely, sunny day, so it was perfect for sitting at the beach and letting the springtime sun hit us.

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