Friday, May 29, 2015

Vivid 2015: Martin Place & Darling Harbour

One week into Vivid, and one of my favorite spots so far has been Martin Place. It might be because it was one of our first visits, or because of the great company, but it has been one of my funnest Vivid experiences!

There's a cool "drum circle" where lights in the drum shine according to the rhythm you play.

One of the biggest displays is one set up by Intel. You stand in front of a web camera, and the giant display above displays your movements in swaths of light. People seemed to either look really cool or really creepy up on the big screen.

This year, a cool pop up bar takes up a good section of the square.

My personal favorite was a big wooden tree-like structures. Some the rings had copper sensors so you that as you touch different areas of the tree, the light changed to follow your touch. And for the first time ever, the Anzac memorial was lit up. The colors on the memorial gradually changed to represent the different branches of the armed services and the theaters they fought in.

The other area that had a small but interesting display was Darling Harbour. I'd read about the combination light, water, and laser show but wasn't sure what to expect. Naively, I hadn't expected the giant crowds we encountered. It was so incredibly packed with people, we sat through one round of the light show and then jumped in the first cab we could find. The light show itself was pretty cool but I wasn't a fan of the accompanying music. So overall, while spectacular to look at, Darling Harbour was a bit of a hit and a miss.


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