Monday, August 11, 2014

Game of Codes

Since I work with a lot of geeks, I should not have been surprised that our end of financial year party was a little nerdy. Or maybe a lot nerdy. But really, really fun!

The theme of the party was a take on Game of Thrones: the Game of Codes. We were all sorted into houses of 6 or 7 people. And then we were bussed off to Manly for an afternoon of Game of Thrones-themed activities!

The activities were on the grounds of a hospitality school, which was originally constructed as a seminary in the 1800s. So it had a good castle-y feel to it.

The grounds were organized like a village. Our teams could walk around and participate in as many activities across the village as we wanted.

The goal was to compete in activities and get gold coins. And then once a team got a certain number of coins, they could advance to the next level of social standing. The winning team was the one who made it to be nobles.

Our first activity was violin lessons. We had to learn a simple song and then play it for the Queen. This activity actually turned out to be one of my favorites of the day!

Then there were tons of other cool things, like a log throw:

Cardboard chariot-building and then racing:

Barrel racing:


And sword-fighting:

One of the coolest things about the afternoon was the number of people that were there to add to the ambiance. All the people at the booths were in costume and character. And there were characters that wandered around to interact with all of the teams. There were even knights on horses that greeted us when we arrived and patrolled the grounds while we did our activities!

Unfortunately, my team didn't win. Or do that well in any activity, to be honest. But it was still a super fun day! I had a really good time with my co-workers and I feel really lucky to work for a place that puts on such amazing parties!

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