Saturday, August 17, 2013


Tasmania. The home of cheese, sheep, and wine. Where motel proprietors offer you a fresh glass of milk when you check in, where cell phone reception is a rarity, and where you get gas at a station when you see it because there's no telling when you'll come across another one. Where people give you a blank stare when you ask about wi-fi and restaurants open only when there are reservations and close as soon as the last one is done. Where gas pumps aren't digital and the man at the rental car kiosk is waiting for only you and leaves as soon as he hands you the keys. Where everyone is friendly, has a smile for you, and is eager to talk about Graceland when they find out where you're from.

We had 4 full days in Tasmania and got to see a huge variety of things in the state. It was a fabulous roadtrip, and I fell in love with Tassy during it.

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