Thursday, August 1, 2013

A note from TN Girl #2

On Monday, the activities coordinator had to go to work so I was forced to fend for myself. I woke up to an email from Tieeney saying, "Don't forget to take pics today! The blog post is counting on you!" No pressure.

I enjoyed a leisurely Monday morning which started off with Skyping with Scott (and Hudson). After that I took off to go exploring in Lavendar Park. It was another beautiful sunny day in Sydney and the park offered some lovely views of the bay.

I came across some rainbow lorikeets eating breakfast in the park.

Then I wandered back over the harbor bridge to the CBD to meet up with Tieeney for lunch. There are no pictures from this part of my day as I was mostly focused on navigating my way through the CBD to Tieeney's office. I successfully made it to the Atlassian building and we headed to the QVB for lunch. After lunch we did a bit of shopping and then it was back to work for Tieeney. She gave me a quick tour of her office and I got to meet several of her coworkers, including Rufus.

Back in Milsons Point after lunch, I went for a run. I followed the same route that we walked the previous day across the bridge and around the Botanic Gardens. I was surprised at how quickly I reached the Botanic Gardens and Opera House considering our (my) pace from the previous day.

I never would have imagined that I would have views like this during a run!

More leisure time in the apartment after my run, and then Tieeney and Toby came home!

So yes, nothing too exciting happens when the activity coordinator is away.
I'll close with a couple observations from my brief time here so far.

1. In Australia you can buy small square foam mattresses. This one is roughly 5x5, perfect size for children or those of us who stopped growing as a child.
To maximize your legroom I recommend sleeping diagonally.
Also, this allows Tieeney to regulate who can stay over at their place - if you don't fit, you can't stay. (Just kidding!)


Thank goodness we purchased the "tasty" variety!

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