Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bouncing around Bondi

Last weekend, T went to see a movie. I said that if he went to the theatre at Bondi Junction, I would tag along and go rambling while he was in the movie. So that's what we did.

On the weekends, Bondi Beach is swamped with tourists, pretty much year-round. But there is actually a lot more to Bondi than just the beach. To get to the beach from Bondi Junction, it's a 5-10 minute bus ride, or you can walk down Bondi Road for half an hour through the shops & neighborhoods. Which is where I decided to go, since I usually see those areas from the bus window.

Little memorial park on the walk down Bondi Road
People playing rugby at the oval... because what else do you do on an Aussie weekend? 
Or you can brunch at the cafe. These are pretty much the acceptable options!

No Australian we know eats any of these meats on a regular basis. 

Cute little post office!

Ducking into the flower shop...


Welcome to Bondi Beach!


One of the biggest hostels at the beach. I'm sure it's clean & tidy inside. =D

Pretty quiet day at the beach...

Pretty quiet on the strip too

All the little shops you need: hairdresser, dry cleaner, grocery, and your coffee shop



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