Monday, June 2, 2014

Nighttime activities

Last week was full of after-work activities!

There was, of course, Vivid on Monday. Then we were on to more social activities: dinner with a high school friend of Toby's who was in Sydney with her family for the week. We got to meet up with them twice while they were here!

The first night we had dinner in McMahons Point, and we got to see the Vivid lights from the north side. The second night, we had dinner in the Sydney Tower, which is one of those rotating restaurants with good views of the city.

We got there in time to see the fireworks show in Darling Harbour. And Vivid lights of course!

The other nighttime activity of the week was a 24 hour coding contest at work. So it was a late night of hanging out with geeked-out developers, working on our pet projects, and trying to get ready to present to the whole company the next day!

It wasn't just grueling work, though. There was a snack cart for an energy boost and a resting area:

And, of course, countdown clocks to keep us on our game.

Here was my crack team showing up Friday morning to hammer out the last three hours.

We did pretty well in the competition - we nailed Round One and came in really high in the semi-finals. Can't complain about that!

We closed out the week with a birthday celebration for Esther. In true Spanish style, we started eating around 7 and kept on going until about 9:30. There was tons of food and it was all amazing.

When you do a birthday celebration with expats, you sing the happy birthday song in English, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Luckily we got through all the versions before the candles caught the cake on fire!

It was a really full but happy week!


  1. Singing Happy Birthday in all the languages was something we did growing up too whenever we had visitors, we'd sing every language we knew and some we didn't...not surprising though it always embarrassed me:)

    1. Aww! I thought it was so sweet and meaningful! I loved it! I will expect a more exotic rendition from you the next time we are together on my birthday. =)

  2. There are some suspicious looking piles on the desk in that shot of your team. Are those piles of cards for a Trading Card Game??

    1. Yes, they surely are. I don't know what game it is, who belongs to all those cards, or why they are there! Such is the life of working with geeks! =D
