Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mini road trip to Sea Cliff Bridge

Monday was the Queen's Birthday - happy birthday to Her Majesty!

And because it was such an important day, we got the day off. So I booked a GoGet car, packed some snacks, and tricked Toby into taking a mini road trip south of Sydney to see the Sea Cliff Bridge.

The Sea Cliff Bridge is a pretty new bridge: the road it carries goes down along the coast to Wollongong. Up until 2005, the road went along the side of the cliffs, but it kept getting washed out and destroyed by rockslides. So the clever Aussies decided enough was enough and built this bridge to parallel the cliff but out over the water - far enough that future rock slides would miss it.

The bridge isn't terribly long, but it's really beautiful: the ocean on one side and cliffs on the other.

There's a pedestrian side on the bridge so people can walk across and check out the ocean below. Which of course I thought we should do! From the bridge we could see some fishermen...

And these super cool rocks...

And most of all just the awesome sights of the bridge!

It was a wonderful Queen's Birthday!


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