Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's me... And some others!

I haven't written a post for a while because I've been working a lot. And I've been working a lot because I'm taking a week of vacation. And I'm taking vacation because these people are in Sydney!

They look pretty good after 30 hours of travel!
I have to hand it to them - they were game for a full day of fun after a quick pitstop at the apartment. Even in the rain!

First we caught a ferry over to Circular Quay.

Then we did some shopping at the Rocks Markets.

In true Australian style, we had pub lunch in the Orient Hotel.

Then it was on to a bit more walking around The Rocks.

Watching some candy making

Then we walked back across the bridge - we got lucky and missed big rain showers.

And then we checked into Mom & Dad's apartment for their stay. It was nice, and they'll get the experience of drying their clothes upside down, just like we do!

The last activity of the day was church - Mom and Dad had heard about Hillsong Church here in Sydney and put it on their to-do list. So we caught the train down to Central and jumped on the shuttle bus over to the church.

If you're counting, that's five modes of transportation in one day: plane, car, ferry, train, and bus. Pretty good!

Church was an interesting experience. There was a definite age demographic, which was a lot younger than me. It felt more like a concert at times, and I have to admit that I had to cover my ears during a few songs.

But the building was cool and people were very friendly, so it was a nice experience overall.
Mom and Dad lasted until about 9 PM before calling it a day. Pretty darn good, I think!

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool to see your parents on the other side of the world. I knew you'd have them out seeing the sights before long!
