Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blue Mountains - Day 2

After the caves, we headed back into Mount Victoria. We stopped for lunch at a cute little cafe there where we convinced Mom & Dad that they needed to try the Australian standard of meat pies. And they loved them!

Mmmm pies!
And not to worry, I also made sure we tried some caramel slice too!
We also got a little bit of local color talking to the man who ran the cafe. He sells the pies and his wife bakes them!

After lunch we headed out to go check out all the sights we could fit into an afternoon. We went to all the ones I knew, which are the standard tourist spots, and we did a couple random gambles too. Everything was so beautiful and the weather was perfect, so I took way too many pictures. Here are some of my favorites though:

Going down the stairs to the Three Sisters
Mom at the stairway to the Three Sisters
Enjoying Echo Point
Panorama at Evans Lookout. And a Toby head
At the first sister
Bridal Veil falls
Leura upper cascades

And of course there's a standard Toby activity pose
Wally the wombat enjoying the mountains

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