Monday, July 29, 2013

The Bridge, Botanic Gardens, Rocks, and Markets in one jetlagged morning

On Sunday morning, I woke up really early. And by really early I mean like 5 AM. However, I was not the first person up. Jetlag and book-publishing excitement had gotten hold of the other two people in the apartment, and they'd been up whispering and playing on the computer together for HOURS.

There was lots of excitement that I was "finally" awake - and many questions on what was for breakfast. So needless to say, the plans for the day were all pushed up a few hours and we decided to head out as soon as it was light!
We had an ambitious plan for seeing some of the main tourist spots in one long walk. (Made all the more ambitious since most of us had only had a few hours' sleep.) But that didn't deter us. First stop was a coffee shop next door. This was a funny adventure, since we don't really drink coffee but we all needed a boost for the morning. I'd mentioned to Holly how serious Sydneysiders are about their coffee, but it really became clear to her when her request for a "small coffee" was met with multiple questions: "A latte? Long black? (and other things we didn't understand)." So she quickly gave up on that and switched over to a chai latte.

It was a pretty cold morning, but the sun was out and there were some amazing cloud patterns in the sky. 

I wouldn't call our journey across the bridge a "walk" so much as a stagger, slow-motion stroll, or a just a general vertical drifting toward the city. If you know Holly, you know what I mean. But as Holly said, there was "so much to take in!"
At the end of the bridge, we stayed on the walkway toward the Botanic Gardens, which took us over Circular Quay and Sydney showed off a spectacular morning sky.
We skirted the Botanic Gardens, as I think we were all dubious as to how much endurance the coffees could actually produce. But it was enough to get an idea of how vast and lovely they are. 

Then it was on to the Opera House, which sadly was found a little wanting, I think. Holly mentioned that she thought it would be both whiter and larger. That didn't stop her from smiling for a pic. 

After a quick walk through Circular Quay, which was starting to pick up for the day, we made our way down through The Rocks and to The Rocks Markets.

By this time, it was about 11:30 and definitely time for a nap! So we ended the morning's tour of Sydney's must-sees with a ferry ride back to Milsons Point and a mid-day siesta.

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