Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hyde Park, Anzac Memorial, and Surry Hills

Sunday was an ambitious day for us: after our mid-day nap, we decided the time together in Sydney was too short and the weather too beautiful to let the day go by without seeing more of the city. So out we went! (Well those of us with the last name of Burwinkle. All the people named Minton stayed home.)

We caught the train into Wynyard, which was good practice for Monday when Holly planned to come meet me for lunch at work. From Wynyard, we checked out the route to my office building, and then we cut up through Martin Place and over to Hyde Park.
We couldn't have asked for better weather for walking around the park. We also popped across the street and checked out St. Mary's Cathedral and the fountains at the aquatic center.

Then we headed over to the Anzac Memorial; we agreed it's one of the most beautiful memorials either of us has ever been to.

Then it was off to catch the train at Museum Station and head up to Surry Hills!

Surry Hills is one of my favorite of the quirky Sydney suburbs, and I was hoping Holly would like it too. But I didn't need to worry: it proved itself to be the perfect place for shopping and poking around for a few hours!

One of the highlights: We stopped in at the Kurtosh House and watched them make chimney cakes for a while. Eating one of these has been on my bucket list since I've first seen them, but I wanted to know how they were made just as much! So we stood and took in the process for 20 minutes or so. It was really fun. And educational. And we managed to snag a few samples too! They were really tasty: kind of a cross between a crossiant and a cinnamon roll with a crispy side? Hard to describe but really easy to eat!

Another highlight of our stroll in Surry Hills: stumbling across Hudson Meats. This was a big deal because Hudson is the name of Holly's dog and we both miss him so much!
This is Hudson:

And this is his namesake shop in Australia:

We closed out the evening with some drinks at Yulli's, a cute little vego place in Surry Hills. There was a bit of a disaster figuring out how to use the sink - which was actually physically one piece with the toilet and seemingly shared the same buttons as the toilet-flushing ones!? It was very confusing and took many trips back and forth from the bathroom to consult with each other and the waitress.

Bathroom adventures aside, it was a great chilled-out night. Toby and a few friends from my office joined us for dinner and it was everything you want a Sunday dinner with friends to be.
Smiling pre-bathroom adventures

A couple more drinks at the Winery, then exhaustion caught up with all of us, and we headed home. Luckily the busy day made everyone sleep through the night this time, and there were no more midnight parties without me! =)

This is the face of a sleep-deprived T

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