Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunny Sunday

Sunday was a beautiful day here. It was comfortably cool but a sunny Sydney day. So I decided it was a good day for some ferry ridin'.

The zoo in Sydney is called the Taronga Zoo, and there's a ferry that goes there from Circular Quay. It's a pretty short ferry ride, but it was a gorgeous one!

There were lots of sailboats out enjoying the weather.

When the ferry got to the zoo wharf, I didn't go in. It's really expensive and plus there were like a million strollers jamming up the sidewalks. So I just walked around some of the walks along the shore.

The trip back was just as beautiful. It was a prefect day for riding in the back of the ferry and snapping some pics.


  1. I wonder if we can go swimming in that little bay...

  2. You are a great writer.. I enjoy your blog tremendously.

    Spello in the last sentence. prefect = perfect.

  3. Loved the photos and video of the water. What song was that on the video? I concur with your anon commentor, you are a great writer and i just learned a new word: spello which i will incorporate into my vocabulary immediately:)
