Sunday, June 23, 2013

Making the best of a rainy weekend

It rained pretty solidly all weekend. Which, of course, makes me pretty fidgety. I braved the rain on Saturday to get my haircut and took a picture of these birds in the park. They way they look about standing in the rain is pretty much how I felt.

On Sunday I had to get out of the house before I went bananas. So after our morning Skyping, I made a mission for myself: learn all the underground connections between the buildings in the CBD. A lot of the buildings are connected in one way or another, but I am hopelessly bad at finding my way around. I usually spend a lot of time getting turned around and then pop up street-side completely in the wrong place. On numerous occasions I have asked "How did I end up here?" or have had to go out to the street where I could see buildings to know exactly where I was.

So I figured with the pouring down rain, I had a lot of incentive to learn my way around.

I ended up covering a lot of ground:

I also saw a few cool things, like the Superman costume on display in one of the shopping areas:

The QVB is always photogenic and fun to look at.

This was pretty much my moment of triumph: I had made it to the Westfield Mall, I knew where I was, and I hadn't had to go out in the rain to accomplish it. (You can see the bridge in the far background.)

All in all, I was pleased... Sometimes it's the small things. But here's hoping for better weather next weekend!!

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