Monday, April 1, 2013

Spit to Manly walk

For a while now I've been wanting to do the walk from Spit Bridge to Manly. Saturday was a nice but not overly hot day, so we decided to go for it!

The walk itself is about 6 miles and starts from Spit Bridge, which connects the city with the Northern Beaches. We caught the bus up to the bridge where we started our walk.

The Spit Bridge raises at scheduled times throughout the day to let ships through. I didn't know that when we went, so we didn't get to see it. =/ Next time!

Spit Bridge
This is Toby's "ready to hike" face:

We saw lots of lizards along the walk! First, this little guy.

This one was kind enough to be in a picture with me.

And this one was having a fabulous Saturday - just sunbathing with million dollar views. Hee hee!

This was the biggest one - probably 15" in all!
One of my favorite things about the walk was the variety of landscapes we walked through: bush, rainforest, scrub, coastline. It was anything but boring!

And plenty of walking by the water.

We also saw these big things in trees that we think are termite nests.

About halfway through the walk, on top of a bald rock overlooking the sea, are some Aboriginal engravings.

They are kind of hard to see, but this one is a kangaroo.

And here's a fish.

This was a pretty cool little detour. It was getting pretty hot by now, but luckily for Toby, there was a regeneration spot coming up.

Like our lizard friend, we got to see some amazing views.


The city in the background

The harbor at Manly

Before we knew it, we were heading down into Manly.

Dingo Toby is happy to have Manly in sight.
There is a small group of Little Penguins that nests in Manly. They are an endangered species now, due to dog and fox attacks as well as the usual pollution and such. The sidewalk in Manly where they come ashore for breeding is marked so everyone knows to keep an eye out for the little guys.

Lots of people were out enjoying the lovely day before fall sets in for real.

We made it!

Random side note: the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire was playing on the ferry for our ride home.

It was a super fun walk! I can't wait to go again!


  1. WOW!!! Looks like an awesome activity! Question...How many angry snacks does one need to keep someone at bay during a 6 mile hike anyway? Great pics!

    1. Lol, it's best to plan for 1 angry snack per km. Or you can go rogue, as I did, and promise a fabulous lunch at the end in lieu of snacks. High risk, high reward.

  2. Best walk ever! I love these views. It's so beautiful!

    1. We'll put it on the activity list for your Australia trip! =)
