Monday, April 22, 2013

Balls Head Reserve

We had a beautiful afternoon on Sunday, and after being indoors all day on Saturday, I was going to explode if I didn't get outside. So we decided to take the train up a couple stops to Waverton and go to Balls Head Reserve. (Toby wants me to tell you he's giggling.)

Balls Head is a bushland reserve and it happens to have amazing views of Sydney after a short walk.

There were tons of Sydney red gums, which are beautiful trees - the bark looks like it's fabric-smooth.

Then we got to the views!

And just to prove we were here:

Toby is working on his winter beard

We found some big rocks that had to be explored.

The last stop on our outing was at the old coal loader facility. The North Sydney Council has repurposed the old grounds as a sustainability center. It has a community garden, composting bin, and worm composting thing.

There were also some community chickens hanging out.

The coolest part was that all of this was built around the big coal loading structures.

One of the old coal-loading carts

The old coal loading dock
There were tunnels that went under this structure that had something to do with the old coal loading process. Now micro bats nest in them! We couldn't see any in there, but it was cool nonetheless.

One more stop at this giant anchor...

And then our day's exploring was complete!


  1. Nice pictures!! That looks like a good trip.

  2. My favorite part of this post is that cool top you are sporting! I like the views and the chickens and Toby's rad sunnies too:) xx

    1. Aw, thanks! And I'm glad you like the chickens - we took that pic especially for Sam! =)
