Sunday, March 17, 2013

Africultures Festival

On Saturday I caught the train up to Auburn to see the Africultures Festival.

Auburn is a western suburb that is extremely ethically diverse. You can get an idea of just how diverse by some of the shop signs.

And the street art.

Anyway, I walked out to the park where the festival was being held. It was another really hot, sunny day! I think it lent a feel of realism to the African vibe.

There were lots of stalls with colorful African crafts and handiwork.

And some cool performances. The music was awesome. I loved being able to hear it while I walked around.

There was also a lot of good-looking food. A lot of it was meat-based and cooked on big open cookers.

But there were a few veggie options that looked good! I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't try anything. Maybe next time!

There was also a little petting zoo. It was hard to tell whether there were more human kids or goat kids jammed into the pen!

It was a lovely, colorful start to my Saturday!

Evening by the bay

On Saturday, we decided to skip the soccer game and stay close to home. But that didn't mean that we stayed home. Instead, we got a takeaway pizza and a bottle of wine, and headed down to the bay for a little evening picnic.

Here's one half of the picnic:

Here's the other half of the picnic:

For entertainment, we got to watch a cruise ship leave.

I call this a really good day!

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