Thursday, March 14, 2013

A walking commute

I've been walking to and from work the past couple weeks. It's not too hot in the mornings now, and it's a really pleasant commute - almost as happy as riding the ferry!

I took some pictures along my way today to document my walk.

When I leave the apartment, I cross under the bridge to get to the pedestrian side of the bridge. This tunnel has a pretty bonzer echo.

Then it's up onto the bridge.

Lots of people walk to work, and a bunch of them are really crazy and run.

I have a nice view of the harbor the whole way across the bridge. It's always busy in the mornings with ferries going back and forth.

People have started attaching love padlocks to the bridge; the city removed all them last August but they're coming back. We'll see if the city lets them stay around this time...

Most days there is a cruise ship docked at Circular Quay.

The walk across the bridge goes pretty quickly since there is so much to look at. Then it's time to get back on the surface streets. The steps down from the bridge have a lot of character, so it's a nice transition.

Today, I happened to see this rainbow lorikeet in the tree right outside the steps!

This is not an everyday occurrence; I was pretty excited to see this guy!

After I get down off the bridge, I'm on a nice, quiet street that goes by some of the older buildings in city.

Then I get into the CBD.

A quick walk along one of the main streets in the CBD...

and I pass this beautiful old church.

My last couple minutes are spent walking through Wynyard Park, which is right next to the office.

And then I'm at the office!


  1. Great shot of the Lorikeet! In case you didn't know, I've been getting into birding recently (I know, sounds pretty dorky, right?). Anyway, a big contributer to my new hobby was the new camera I got for Christmas. Here is a collection of some of my favs.

    Keep the great shots coming!

    1. Hey, thanks for sharing your photos! They are so impressive! Now I'm a little embarrassed of my little iPhone shot of the lorikeet. =)

      I didn't know you were such a talented photographer. What a cool hobby you've picked up. Keep your shots coming, too!

      Hope you guys are well!
