Saturday, December 1, 2012

Featherdale Wildlife Park

On Saturday, Atlassian hosted a family day at Featherdale Wildlife Park. Featherdale specializes in Australian wildlife, so we were really excited to see some Australia animals.

It was supposed to be really hot that day (around 93), so we headed out early so we could get there right when the event started. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to get there on public transport. But that was OK because we went farther outside the city than we've been before, and really, any time we successfully plan out a trip using trains and buses, we consider it a triumph!

Since it was family day, I got to see my coworkers with their families and children, which is always interesting since you see such a different side to people.

The most interesting part of the day, thought, was seeing all the animals! Featherdale is much smaller than the Sydney zoo, so it has a more "out in the bush" feel to it. The paths are all sandy dirt, and in quite a few areas, kangaroos and wallabies just wandered around with you.

There was also this funny guy:

Isn't he cute & funny? He looks like this up close:

We got to see some dingoes, which ended up being Toby's favorite. I didn't get a good picture of them, which we're both sad about.

One of my favorites were the Little Penguins. They are the smalles penguins in the world, and they were sooo cute!

These guys were napping together

So cute and tiny!
We got vouchers for some animal food. Toby chose to feed the wallabies with his.

He got one interested.

Then a couple more.

Then it became a straight-up party!

They didn't mind getting patted either.

My animal feeding wasn't quite as successful.

We also found these guys who were so lazy they wouldn't even get up to see if we had food.

Even the animals we didn't get to pet were fascinating!

Peacock who just wandered around
This guy was called a goanna, and he just stayed sprawled out in the sun, not moving.

I know how he feels sometimes
We got to see some of the bats we've been watching at night. I was so cool to see them up close and in the daylight!
Fruit bats
This bird had a giant bone on top of his head. He looked half-dinosaur.

I wanted to take one of these cute little things home with me!

We also got to watch this guy get fed.

Toby also got up close to an emu.

AND, we noticed this lady had a little joey in her pouch.

Of course, the day was not complete without spending some time with the koalas.

I got up close and personal too!

 We had a great day!!! This is definitely a place we'll want to visit again. (Maybe on a cooler day!)


  1. All hail Toby, king of wallabies

  2. My wallaby clan and I are considering setting up a commune outside the city and merging with the dingo nation. That or invading New Zealand to steal all their ice cream cones. The vote is pretty evenly split. (I tried explaining that not all ice cream cones are full of grass and feed pellets, but I think we have a language issue).

    1. So was it on your command for them to steal Christine's ice cream cone. May your reign be prosperous, and brutal to your enemies.

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