Sunday, July 9, 2017

Whales in Woollahra

Sunday was a perfect Sydney winter day: cool and sunny, with a brilliant blue sky. On winter days like this, water in the harbour is extra beautiful, so we went for an afternoon adventure in the eastern suburb of Woollahra.

Woollahra is about a 20 minute bus ride from our apartment. We didn't have a plan beyond jumping off the bus and doing some wandering alongside the oceanside walk. So when we got off the bus, we walked through the neighbourhood for a while before getting to the edge of the land.

Even in winter, there are plenty of flowers

From the bus route, we cut through some residential streets to the Macquarie Lighthouse and the cliffside walk that is beside it. 

The cliffside walk goes along the water, and once we got up to it, we saw lots of boats out in the water. Around this time of year, Humpback Whales and Southern Right Whales migrate up north form the Antarctic feeding grounds and go to right along the east coast of Australia. So it's a good bet that when boats are gathered in a clump outside the harbour, there's some whales to be seen!

And sure enough, there were at least a few whales out in the water breaching. We stood and watched for a while, and our patience was rewarded with some coming in really close to the shore. We would first spot them by their spouts, but the closer ones we could easily seem them breaching above the water. Unfortunately, I didn't get any great pictures of them with my phone camera. =/

We watched the whales for a while, and then we headed further up the path, through the sport fields and back toward the bus route. 

The succulents are loving the sun

Before we made our way back to the bus stop, we explored the South Head Cemetery, on top of the hill. It's a mixture of really old gravesite, and some from the 90s. It's a peaceful spot, with views back out to the ocean and the whales. 

And then we caught our bus back home. 

On the alert for the bus

Not on the alert for the bus

It was a short but happy winter afternoon adventure, and our day was really made by the whales sighting! I hope they have good journeys up north, and maybe we'll see them with their calves in a few months!

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