Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Staying awake in San Francisco

I arrived back in San Francisco last weekend. On my last trip, I did the bootcamp-equivalent of kicking jet lag, which means I arrived at  6:30 Monday morning and went to work for the day. This time I got a flight arriving on Sunday - luxury! So instead of trying to stay awake through work meetings, I did things like walking around the city to stay awake. I was staying near Union Square, so I decided a walk through the hills of the city to Coit Tower would do the trick and keep me awake! Through the edge of the Financial District....
Along the edge of Chinatown...
And up the hill!
The steps to the left nearly did me in. It was after that climb that I started thinking I might need a nap that day.
  Sitting by the tower and resting for a while was pretty nice!
The other part of the day that was working against me was the temperature. It turned out to be the hottest day in San Francisco for the entire year, topping out at almost 100. I made my way back to the hotel through North Beach and the streets of Little Italy.
  It was such a beautiful day and a lovely walk. But there is no forgetting that I live a lucky life when I'm in this city. At Walgreens, the store is set up to deter the vast number of homeless people from stealing things they need. Things like medicine and cards are on the shelves like normal, but things like toothpaste are locked away. Around the store there are lots of buttons to call a store clerk to get your soap or toothpaste from behind the plastic.  
Notwithstanding the sadness in the city, it was still a great day. I fit in a nap and finding a burrito for my dinner, which I do believe is the best cure for jet lag yet!        

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