Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Some Sydney pics from last week

It's definitely starting to turn spring here! The flowers are all blooming and the weather is perfect for more time outside.  Two days in a row, the sunsets were fantastic on my walk home from work!  
And the flowers have been blooming like crazy! One of the parts of my commute is filled with booming jasmine, and you can smell it from 20 feet away.  
  Last Wednesday, we went to dinner and then to late night hours at the Art Gallery New South Wales. It was a nice 30 minute walk to dinner through Hyde Park.  
And then we went to the gallery, where there was some live music.
  I've also had lots of dog time at work recently. Yay for work pups!  
We took advantage of the later daylight hours by grabbing some dinner in the CBD and having an impromptu picnic on the way home from work.  
And we had one of the best festivals of all recently: a chocolate festival! The day was sunny and warm - what better way to be enjoying chocolate?
Setting up got chocolate lecture, I assume!
Yay for chocolate fun!

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