Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A few pics around the city

Work and weekends have been a bit busy for a bit, and so I've been out on fewer adventures recently. But I have snapped a few mildly interesting pictures over the past couple weeks.

First up are a couple pics from Anzac Day. I've mentioned it before, but Anzac Day is taken really seriously here. The Monday is a holiday, and the city just floods with people at 5 AM for the dawn service. Then people visit the various memorials in the city, line the streets for an hours-long parade of service people, and cram in at the Anzac Memorial for a ceremony. And then they go to the pub. =) On Anzac Day it's legal to play a specific gambling game called Two-Up, which is basically betting on a toin coss.

This day captures a trait of Australians that I find very endearing: they can be quite solumn and pour themselves into honoring family and country, and in the next hour, drink themselves silly and gamble away a bunch of money.  


This is a pic of an auction happening in our neighborhood. The auctions aren't exactly like auctions back home - this one didn't have an auctioneer or any high level of energy. It was just the real estate agent calmly waiting for the person offering the most money to wait out the others.

It was for a one bedroom apartment, and as we were walking by, they were at 1.1 million. We made sure not to make any sudden motions with our hands.

Last weekend we made an afternoon walk from Circular Quay around through Walsh Bay and Barangaroo. It's turning cooler, but the sun was out so it was a perfect day for a walk!


We celebrated Cinco de Mayo in the office last week, complete with a mariachi band at lunch time. 

We had a spectacular sunset the other night, and I grabbed this shot from the stairs at the office.

This is one of the lanes in our new neighborhood. There is a row of tiny restaurants and cafes, and I like to cut through here on my way home, just because it's fun to see what's going on.

Darling Harbour has a cute outdoor exhibit going on made up of replicas of funny or confusing road signs from around the world. Lots of people were out enjoying the sunshine and roadsigns on this lovely day!

And that's it for now! Fun adventures are planned for this weekend, so more interesting blog fodder should be found!

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