Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bouncing around Bondi

Last weekend, T went to see a movie. I said that if he went to the theatre at Bondi Junction, I would tag along and go rambling while he was in the movie. So that's what we did.

On the weekends, Bondi Beach is swamped with tourists, pretty much year-round. But there is actually a lot more to Bondi than just the beach. To get to the beach from Bondi Junction, it's a 5-10 minute bus ride, or you can walk down Bondi Road for half an hour through the shops & neighborhoods. Which is where I decided to go, since I usually see those areas from the bus window.

Little memorial park on the walk down Bondi Road
People playing rugby at the oval... because what else do you do on an Aussie weekend? 
Or you can brunch at the cafe. These are pretty much the acceptable options!

No Australian we know eats any of these meats on a regular basis. 

Cute little post office!

Ducking into the flower shop...


Welcome to Bondi Beach!


One of the biggest hostels at the beach. I'm sure it's clean & tidy inside. =D

Pretty quiet day at the beach...

Pretty quiet on the strip too

All the little shops you need: hairdresser, dry cleaner, grocery, and your coffee shop



Friday, May 20, 2016

Orange, NSW

Last weekend was a New South Wales getaway weekend! We rented a GoGet with our friends Esther & Andres and headed up to Orange, NSW.
Orange is about a 3 hour drive north and west of Sydney. It's a small little town, but it's becoming a bit well known for its wineries and vineyards. A lot of produce is grown there too, but ironically not oranges. It's a bit too cold for citrus, but they grow a lot of apples and stone fruit. So people from Sydney like to go up to Orange for food and wine, which makes for a pretty good weekend!

We traveled on Spanish time, so that meant we didn't actually arrive to Orange until around 1 in the afternoon Saturday. But it turns out that that was OK because there's not all that much to do in Orange! Most of the "things to do" lists center around wine tasting at cellar doors or visiting the parks in the town. We easily fit both of those things into our weekend. =)

The Orange wine region is "up and coming" so must of the wineries are pretty new, in winery terms. Our first stop was at De Salis wines, which was just started up in the 90s. It was located on the highest point in Orange, so it was a spectacular place to have a wine tasting. 

De Salis also had a few cellar door doggies, who were happy to say hi and get a little attention. I tried telling them how good their lives are, but I don't know if they appreciated what I saying. 

Orange is most definitely a small country town, and for both T and I, it felt a lot like home. Things like having to open and shut the gate to go down a drive added fun touches to our weekend. 

After our first winery, we stopped by the local lake and had a picnic in the sun. It was much cooler in Orange than it's been in Sydney, so sitting in the sun felt so good. And with all the leaves off the trees and the quiet lake in the background, it definitely felt like an East Tennessee autumn.

Our next and last winery stop for the weekend was Ross Wines. It was also high up on a hill, and they had a cozy tasting room inside where the late afternoon sun came in perfectly.


We capped off our night in Orange with dinner at the Union Bank Wine Bar. It was, as the name suggests, in an old bank building, and it was a very cute restaurant. 

We had a nice dinner in the courtyard under the heaters, and it was the perfect end to our wine-themed day!

In addition to the countryside, another thing about our weekend that really made us feel like we were home (and maybe just a little bit homesick?) was the little town itself. It was just a small country town with a broad main street. 

We walked around the town a bit on Sunday morning before we drove back to Sydney. It was as quiet and deserted as could be, as all country towns should be on a Sunday morning. 

The only action happening on the Sunday morning were the church bells. There were churches on every other corner, just like home!

Hands-down, the best part of Orange for us was the feeling of having a proper fall. In Sydney, most of the trees don't change with the season. They either stay green through the winter or the leaves die and fall off. But there is very little change in the colors, which is something we both miss a lot. 

In Orange, though, the colors were spectacular! We took a walk through one of the big parks on Sunday before leaving, and it was just the best feeling. I couldn't stop taking pictures of leaves and picking them up!


 I don't know what this tree is, but the berries/nuts on it were on theme too!

This tree was actually called "The Hugging Tree." We all gave it a go. 

I mean it just doesn't get better than this!


Even though it was a short little break, it really made us happy! We felt like we'd had a taste of home over the weekend, and it was a great feeling. =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A few pics around the city

Work and weekends have been a bit busy for a bit, and so I've been out on fewer adventures recently. But I have snapped a few mildly interesting pictures over the past couple weeks.

First up are a couple pics from Anzac Day. I've mentioned it before, but Anzac Day is taken really seriously here. The Monday is a holiday, and the city just floods with people at 5 AM for the dawn service. Then people visit the various memorials in the city, line the streets for an hours-long parade of service people, and cram in at the Anzac Memorial for a ceremony. And then they go to the pub. =) On Anzac Day it's legal to play a specific gambling game called Two-Up, which is basically betting on a toin coss.

This day captures a trait of Australians that I find very endearing: they can be quite solumn and pour themselves into honoring family and country, and in the next hour, drink themselves silly and gamble away a bunch of money.  


This is a pic of an auction happening in our neighborhood. The auctions aren't exactly like auctions back home - this one didn't have an auctioneer or any high level of energy. It was just the real estate agent calmly waiting for the person offering the most money to wait out the others.

It was for a one bedroom apartment, and as we were walking by, they were at 1.1 million. We made sure not to make any sudden motions with our hands.

Last weekend we made an afternoon walk from Circular Quay around through Walsh Bay and Barangaroo. It's turning cooler, but the sun was out so it was a perfect day for a walk!


We celebrated Cinco de Mayo in the office last week, complete with a mariachi band at lunch time. 

We had a spectacular sunset the other night, and I grabbed this shot from the stairs at the office.

This is one of the lanes in our new neighborhood. There is a row of tiny restaurants and cafes, and I like to cut through here on my way home, just because it's fun to see what's going on.

Darling Harbour has a cute outdoor exhibit going on made up of replicas of funny or confusing road signs from around the world. Lots of people were out enjoying the sunshine and roadsigns on this lovely day!

And that's it for now! Fun adventures are planned for this weekend, so more interesting blog fodder should be found!