Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The animals of Kangaroo Island

As you might suspect, a big draw for us at Kangaroo Island was seeing all the animals. And there are a LOT of animals on the island. To give you an idea, our rental car insurance didn't cover us past dusk, since the odds of us hitting a kangaroo or wallaby were so high. Needless to say, we tried to drive carefully and not take out any wildlife. As far as I know we succeeded!

Even outside dusk hours, there were quite a few 'roos hanging around, especially in the mornings. We saw these guys on our last day - luckily, Toby saw them in plenty of time!

We saw kangaroos hanging around pretty much all over the island at various times. It never got old looking or them. At one of the farms we visited, we got to see some 'roos up fairly close. 

One of my favorite stops was seeing the New Zealand fur seals at Admirals Arch. The Arch is a very cool rock formation, with the added bonus of being a breeding ground for fur seals. Two for one!

The arch, with lots of seals lying around under it

Seals with some nursing pups

Did I mention it was SUPER windy there? It was so fierce we had to shield our eyes with our hands and peek out between our fingers. 

Near the seals were the Remarkable Rocks: giant rock formations that were seemingly in the middle of miles and miles of bushland. 

After our visit along the coast, we headed inland to see some different animals. We headed to the wildlife sanctuary in hopes of seeing some koalas. 

This sign was promising!

This is how we walk when we are looking for koalas
 And then, hooray! We found a few koalas! Of course, they were napping.

And as a surprise bonus, we came across this little echidna! He was just walking through a wide open area looking for food. He would waddle along and use his paw for digging a little hole, and then would stick his snout in there for a snack. He was too cute!

How cute is he!? We stood and watched him for a good long while, and he didn't seem too bothered by us watching. 

We also spent a lot of time driving through some beautiful areas. 

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