Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas from Sydney!

We weren't back in Sydney very long before it was Christmastime. This was our first solo Christmas in Sydney since our first one here, and having just gotten back from New Zealand, we were looking forward to a quiet holiday.

Of course, there are lots of fun things in the city around the holiday. Every year it seems to be getting bigger.

Christmas in Manly
The Christmas tree in Martin Place

We decorated in our apartment too.

This Christmas was a happy contrast to our first one here. That Christmas we didn't have much to do. We knew a few people and I started making friends at work. But for the most part, we were mostly alone over the holiday. This one was quite a bit different, with social activities going on every day leading up to Christmas. We played some games with friends the weekend before.

We went to see Star Wars. My entire office went together on opening day and people really, really got into it. 

But I waited and went with T that night. He was verrry excited. 

We also went to see a "Christmas" movie at work: Die Hard. I very much believe that it's not a Christmas movie, but I was in a room of a hundred people that thought otherwise, so I kept my mouth shut! =D

We also went to an expats Christmas Eve BBQ. Everyone brought traditional food from their home country, so we had fun things like Russian crepes, Spanish tapas, Aussie prawns, and tons of meat Argentina-style. We made spinach balls and eggnog, which surprisingly was a huge hit! Most people had seen eggnog on movies, so they were really excited to try it.

Our Christmas Day was lazy, cozy, and fun. We did some skyping with the family.

Opened a few gifts.

These socks might be framed and hung up. I'm afraid he won't see them enough when they're on his feet.

And generally were happy to be celebrating Christmas!

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