Friday, August 28, 2015

Some fun at work

I've been working a lot lately, but my big project should be over soon. In the meantime, though, there are still plenty of things about work to make me smile. For one, we just expanded into the building next door, and the new workspaces are really lovely!

The new office puts us with a nice square view of Martin Place.

And, of high importance is the new claw machine full of candy. It forces us to make at least some effort to get our candy!

Even though I don't sit in this nice new area, I still get my lunch in the new kitchen. Too fun!

Last week I also made a trip over to the Sydney Google offices. Atlassian women were invited for a Women in Tech meetup. I didn't see too much of the office, but the part I did see was cool and unique like you'd expect. There were fun unicycles and jumping shoes for getting to the other Google buildings. The kitchen was full of candy jars and lots of fresh juice and food. It also looked like a pretty cool place to spend a workday!

And my favorite update from work is Bosco, the newest office dog. He was just 12 weeks old on his first office visit, and now we are BFFs!

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