Saturday, June 27, 2015

A happy, sad, short trip

This week, T and I took a quick four day trip to California to attend Uncle Phil's memorial. This was a very different feeling trip from our usual ones. Usually heading out to the airport means that we have exciting adventures or at least lots of fun times waiting on us at the end of our flight. It felt odd to go through all of those same motions of getting ready for travel, but without the happy anticipation that usually comes along with it. Of course, even though the occasion was very sad and there were lots of tears, we still did get to see lots of family. And that can't help but make things better.

And we were also in beautiful Southern California! It wasn't overly hot, so the days were really pleasant for walking around. We managed to squeeze in a walk on the beach and a hike at Torrey Pines around the scheduled events for the week. We were lucky enough to get to hike Torrey Pines with amazing Cousin Megan, who arranged it for all of us out of towners.

We also encountered a taste of second home while walking around the shops in town.

And of course, no trip to the States is complete without a stop at Whole Foods! We have nothing like it in Sydney, so I always try to squeeze in a visit. This time, we were strolling with Dad, so we made a stop at the cookie bar. Pretty hard to beat that!

This trip, while short and sad, made me appreciate how lucky we are to have the wonderful family that we do. And how lucky we are for every mintute we get to spend together.


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