Friday, September 4, 2015

A KitKat Popup

Something fun and exciting showed up in the shopping center near where I work: a KitKat popup shop! Now to add a bit of context to this, I should say that here in Australia, KitKats are much more varied than they are at home. There are always a few unique flavors of KitKats out, like minto chocolate or peanut butter. They also make big KitKats that are in three connected sections - one section is creamy, one is crunchy, one one has the whafers like a normal KitKat. It's a whole new world!

So when I read there was a popup coming, I wasn't sure what to expect. I went to check it out at lunch one day and realized that you could CRAFT YOUR OWN! Of course there was no way I was letting this slip by me. So I made plans to get there when the stall opened the next day so I could do it.

The little setup was pretty neat: you used an iPad app to pick your chocolate type, three toppings that got layered in and put on top, and then a patterned box with your name to be printed on it. The toppings were fun ones too - like rose petals or meringue pieces. Not your run of the mill KitKat ingredients!

Then the people in the little making station assembled the KitKat.

It took about 45 minutes, so I just got a text message to go pick up my creation a little while later. And it turned out amazing!

They were also selling custom KitKat flavors at the stand too, things like peanut butter creme brûlée. And let me tell you, Sydney went nuts for this! On the third day when I went back, there were probably 30 people waiting in line to make their KitKat. I am such a trendsetter! =D


  1. I somehow missed this post and LOVED my KitKat! Thank you for being so thoughtful and that bar was so delicious it disappeared at absolutely no time. Those Aussie need to send some of their ideas over here!

    1. I'm glad you liked it!!! I thought of you as soon as I saw it - I know you would have made an even more fabulous combination!
