Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ice skating at the beach

After the sadness of the past few weeks, I decided to start our first weekend back on a happy note. Well, happy for me anyway! I had read about an ice skating rink that's at Bondi Beach through the end of July, and I decided that ice skating at the beach was something that we simply had to do.

Toby felt a little bit differently about the activity. He wore this shirt as a statement of his feelings about the day:

We're pretty much in the heart of winter here, so it's chilly but not downright freezing unless the wind gets up. So we dressed in a few light layers and made the train-train-bus journey out to Bondi Beach early on Saturday. The ice skating didn't open until 10, so we grabbed some breakky first.

I took the opportunity to wear the winterery-ist hat I own!

We ate a little cafe where we could see Bondi Beach and all the early morning surfers.

Then we headed down for our skating adventure! There was a lot of doubt and dread creeping in by this point.

But all was well when we got out onto the ice! Even though it might not show in his face, T actually really did have a lot of fun skating.

Of course, neither of us are pro skaters. There were no falls but plenty of ungraceful balance adjustments. However, since we were pretty much the only people on the ice that didn't have small children clinging to us, we looked liked Olympic figure skaters compared to the rest!

And you really can't beat the view!

We didn't skate for too long - the rink was pretty small and by 10:30 there were so many small people on the ice that we really felt like we were a danger! So we made our ungraceful exit from the ice and spent a few minutes watching the skaters.

This was definitely a much needed happy activity, and a really good start to the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a great outing and fun photos! I've never ice skated, so it looks like my first time will have to be at Bondi:) xx
