Friday, February 27, 2015

Foundation Day!

We get 5 days a year to volunteer, so I spent one of those days this past Friday volunteering at a charity called Good360. The charity collects surplus goods from businesses and then redistributes it to charities that need those types of goods. For example, companies going out of business might donate all their excess inventory to avoid paying landfill fees.

I went with a team from work, and the work we did was in the Good360 warehouse. We spent the day unpacking boxes of donated goods and then repacking them into smaller quantities to be shipped out. Since we were in a warehouse in Sydney in February, to say that it was hot and sweaty work would be an understatement!

Some of the good we repacked were kind of odd! Like 15 pallets of custom-made shoes. Not all of them seem exactly suited for charity donation, but hopefully the majority of them do some good in the world!

It was a good day and I'm so lucky to work for a place where I get paid to do volunteer work.

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