Tuesday, September 9, 2014


We had a very sophisticated date night this Friday - we scored tickets to see Hugo Weaving in Macbeth at the Sydney Theatre! We were pretty excited about this because tickets had been sold out for a while, but we got lucky and managed to get some that were released through the box office. Not only that, but they happened to be front row tickets!


Interestingly, this was an activity picked by Toby. He really likes Hugo Weaving, so he was soooo excited to get to see him on his home turf!

The theatre is down by old wharves on the harbour. We went for dinner in a fun Italian place before the show started.

The show itself was amazing. They had switched the stage back to front so that the audience sat on what is normally the backstage. They'd built up temporary bleachers to fit everyone and the normal seating was used as part of the staging. It was really cool to get to see all the lighting and catwalks that you don't normally get to see in a show! And even though it was 2 hours long without a break, it was so much fun!



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