Saturday, August 2, 2014

Aroma Festival

Last weekend was another beautiful winter's day. And on Sunday, we had a reason to go down to Circular Quay: the Aroma Festival! The Aroma Festival is mainly focused on coffee, but really anything that could show up in a morning tea break gets a showing. I went last year with from friends from work, and this year I dragged T along with me!

We headed over in the late morning after our Sunday Skyping was done. By the time we got there, it was pretty crowded!

And it was warming up nicely, which meant that one of us made for the shade anytime he saw a chance.

There were tons of fun booths to check out. Lots of them were selling coffee and tea. And a fair few were selling tasty-looking treats.

There were also plenty of food trucks, like this cute one that had a bandstand on top.

We opted for some nachos. And a seat in the shade of course. =)

We wandered through all the booths, checked out $1,000 espresso machines, and watched some performers. It was a lovely way to spend part of our day!



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