Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Latin festival!

It was a weird week for weather. On Thursday it was crazy hot - almost 100 degrees! Then on Friday, it was kind of cool - cool enough for long sleeves and jackets when Toby and I went for a fun dinner after work.

But Saturday was perfect weather: nice and sunny but with a good breeze to keep things comfortable. Which was great, because it was Latin Festival day at Darling Harbour!

So I headed out and left Toby in the cool and shade at home.

What could go wrong leaving this person home by himself?
I decided the weather was so great that I was going to walk to the festival. It took about 45 minutes but it was so gorgeous, I enjoyed every minute.

There were three stages for the festival, but the main area was in the park behind the harbor.

There were about 8 different food stands, all with food from different countries. Of course I thought I should try some, and I couldn't resist getting the vegetarian fajita from the "Mexican Plus" stand. I should have known better because it was terribly disappointing. It made me so sad, I didn't eat very much of it.

Even though it looks ok, the beans were in BBQ sauce??
So I decided to redeem that by trying arepas con queso from the Colombian food stand. That was much more tasty: corn tortilla with cheese on it!

By far my favorite part of the festival, though, was the performances! While I ate my food, I watched a tango demonstration.

There were two other stages around Darling Harbour: one had a fun mariachi-type band, and the other one had a lot of dancing demonstrations.

It was a fun visit to Latin America for the day, but it was very clear I was still in the land down under!

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