Sunday, May 12, 2013

A weekend in reverse

Since Toby is heading back for a short visit in a couple weeks, I decided Sunday was a good day to head down to Paddy's Market and pick up a few things to send to people back home. Paddy's is like a souvenir flea market and generally chaotic. You can count on seeing something weird or interesting every time you visit!

So I snapped a few pics while I was shopping.

You can buy all the Uggs and knock-off Uggs you could ever want...

The rest of our weekend was great too. We met up with Emma on Friday for her birthday dinner at Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Sydney. Yum!

I rarely think waiting an hour and a half for a table is worth it. But drinks and fun company (plus delicious food after the wait) made it completely OK!
The birthday girl!
Saturday morning found us watching the new Star Trek movie and then going out for a friend's birthday drinks that night.

T dressed in theme for the movie. What a cutie!
We also did a night-time wildlife walk with night vision goggles!!! Pics from that to come!

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