Friday, January 25, 2013

Work day Aussie style

This coming weekend is Australia Day. So at work on Friday, the experience team did a full day of Australian treats for the office.

The menu included:

- TimTams, lamingtons, and iced Vovos

- Tea

- Vegemite with crackers & toast

- Pavlova

- VB beer!

The day of eating started with a fun spread of Australian tea and sweets.

Iced Vovos are shortbread cookies with icing and raspberry fruit spread topped with coconut. Lamingtons are like a sponge cake with chocolate icing topped with coconut. I liked both of these!

And, of course, TimTams are about the most delicious sandwich cookie after Oreos.

There was also plenty of tea on hand to do TimTam slams.

Later in the day, there was a Vegemite buffet, along with instructions for how "enjoy" it.


Vegemite is straight up terrible. It tastes like salty dirt. I admire those people who can eat it for breakfast on toast. And that's actually quite a few of the people I work with.

The next treat of the day was pavlova in the afternoon. Pavlova is like a meringue dessert that you top with fruit and whipped cream. I thought I would like it, but disappointingly, it was not for me.

The McDonalds here (Maccas, as they're called), are doing a promotion for Australia Day. They are selling pavlova McFlurrys in the restaurants, so the ads around town say "Smash a pav today!" If you don't have all the background story on this slang - as we did not for a while - it is a pretty baffling slogan!

The last treat of the day was VB beer. As I think I mentioned in a post before, it's like the Bud Light of Australia. (And, by the way, no one drinks Fosters. I don't even think you can buy it in Australia.)

A cold, rough-tasting beer was the perfect way to close out the day and start off the Australia Day weekend!



  1. When i was little we used to put vegemite on our rice, i remember loving it though i haven't had it in years. Surprised you didn't love the Pavlova, what's not to love? Did it have passion fruit, because that would totally ruin it for me too:) Happy Aussie Day. Here in Knoxville, we are home because of an ice storm!!

    1. Hope you had a good ice day, and you got lots of warm naps in!

      The pavlova didn't have passion fruit, but I still couldn't bring myself to terms with it. I'll give it another try sometime. Maybe vegemite too, but just don't see being won over for these! =)
