Saturday, January 28, 2017

Summer days in Sydney

Since our trip to Jervis Bay, we've been in a routine of lots of work during the week, and lots of friends on the weekends. A perfect summer schedule! It has also been hot, hot, hot. We are on track to set a record for hottest summer in Sydney, and it certainly feels that way! So what do you do in Sydney on hot days? As soon as the evening breeze picks up, which it does almost every day, open the windows. And if at all possible, avoid turning on the stove.
If it's not too hot, stop by the Botanic Gardens or the park on the way home. Maybe have a light dinner under a tree there too.
The succulent garden is very happy this summer
    Go for weekend picnics. But always in the shade!  
  For work, all-day offsite meetings are best held in Manly, by the water. This means you can take the ferry in the morning and get some cool breeze, and when it's 110 degrees at lunchtime, you can go for a quick swim!
If you have to have an all-day meeting, this venue makes it easier!
  Night-time activities are a good way to get out and do things without getting too sweaty.   
Like listening to a free opera concert in the Domain
Or watching La La Land at the Open Air Cinema
Before the screen comes up...
And after...
We got to write our own seat reservation tags
And, of course, if you to the beach, early morning is best.
More birds than people, T's favorite way
  Of course, there can be a downside to all this heat. Huntsman don't like it. On very hot days they like to come inside for some respite. That's why, when you're brushing your teeth in the early mornings: watch in the mirror for one crawling up the wall behind you. If he's big enough, you can hear his feet on the tile before you even see him. Just a tip from us to you.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Jervis Bay

After not celebrating Christmas and New Years together, I decided that T and I should head down to Jervis Bay for a long weekend. So we got a car and headed the 2 1/2 hours down south. We got lucky and had the perfect weather all weekend! 
  Jervis Bay is one giant bay, and its known for beautiful white sand and generally gorgeous beaches. We were not disappointed! Stop 1 was Blenheim Beach. It was a perfect spot for having a swim and a nap!
Even though the weather was beautiful, even I had to admit that it was pretty hot. It really took it out of one of us.
  We had a good swim and snorkel here! The waves were a little rough, but we got out past them a bit and got to swim over some great reef. It was perfect! Then we headed into the little town of Huskisson for some lunch.    
  After lunch, we decided to chill out a bit, so we went to Moona Moona Creek. It's where all the families and little kids go!
The water is really shallow at low tide. So we could walk all around through the water, which was perfect for staying cool.
Where the creek meets the bay
On our way back to our little airbnb, we decided to stop in at the Twilight Markets. They happened to be at the maritime museum, and they were quite an experience. It was an odd mix of flea markets, food stands, crafts. Oh and a gypsy band. But we had rehydrated in the shade for a minute, so it turned out to be a great stop.   
  And in a further weird twist, we discovered a little walk through a mandrake grove. Even though it was a surreal experience, it was really fun.
  After an evening visit from the roos...
We slept like rocks. Day two was a trip to the Booderee National Park. We started off with a bang at Murray Beach, where we saw a massive sting ray right as we headed in for the first swim of the day. T bravely stood in the water and let the big guy come say hello. 
   The rest of the day was full of visiting beautiful beaches, swimming, and snorkeling.
We paid an evening visit to the famous Hyans Beach. It's supposed to have some of the whitest sand in the world, and it certainly was very squeaky and white.  
And that was Jervis Bay! We had an absolutely wonderful weekend, and I can't wait to go back!